PPC Question and Answer 2016 | Google Adwords Interview Questions and Answers
PPC Marketing Trick:
What is PPC:
PPC is stand for Pay per Click. It is a process where pay each time for potential customer clicks your ad.
What is CPC:
Pay-per-click (PPC),
also called cost per click (CPC), It is a process of to
get direct traffic on your websites, in which an advertiser pay a publisher
(typically a website owner or a network of websites) when the ad is clicked.
CTR: Click through
Click-through rate (CTR) is the ratio of
users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who view a
page, email, or advertisement.
CTR is the number of
clicks that your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown
expressed as a percentage (clicks ÷ impressions = CTR).
For example, if you had
5 clicks and 1000 impressions, then your CTR would be 0.5%. Here's how it's
5/1000 = 0.5/100 = 0.5%
Note: - Minimum CTR of any Google AdWords campaign
should be 2%.
Standard CTR is 2% in campaign.
CPM stands
for Cost Per Mille: Cost
Per Impression (CPI) or Cost Per Thousand (CPT).
CPM is a cost
to pay by the advertiser for every time the ad is display in the webpage
What is
quality score:
score is depending on this matric.
CTR of the keywords
Relevance of keywords and ads
Landing page quality
Historic account data
What is
Return on investment, or ROI,
is the most common profitability ratio. There are several ways to determine ROI, but the most frequently
used method is to divide net profit by total assets. So if your net profit is
$100,000 and your total assets are $300,000, your ROI would be .33 or 33 percent.
What is
Double Click for Advertisers. DFA is an ad server which
is used to track impressions and clicks for your creatives on various networks.
You can’t buy inventory through DFA. You can only track the
performance of your campaigns. Main functions of DFA is ad trafficking and
What is
DFP stands for Double Click for Publishers. If the
publisher prefers to manage themselves the ads which will be broadcasted on
their websites, they use DFP. For example most of the public sites like
way2sms.com, w3schools.com etc use DFP for ads.